Nothing makes us happier than hearing how happy we make you!!!


I am a cloud architect working for a large tech company in Seattle. I have faced a few difficult times during when Grand Master Surya Prakash came to my rescue and helped me get out of these situations very quickly. One important thing I learnt during these times is the strong belief we should have when Surya Prakash works on sending such positive energies. There are two such occasions I want to call out. One of them is when my VISA was denied and I had to leave my 6-month-old kid in US with my wife and get back to India to switch to dependent VISA. I was extremely worried about if my VISA to re-enter US will be approved and was getting multiple negative thoughts weakening me. When Surya Prakash asked me to believe in him and had told me the previous day that he had got in touch with the interviewer and confirmed that it will be approved, magically the interview just went on like how he had mentioned. I was so very relieved and happy hearing that my VISA was approved! I just cannot express the positive energy that he showered upon me and the effect it had on me after that. Another occasion was when my kid had a very bad viral infection with high fever and red rashes all over his body. I could not see the kid suffering and like previous times Surya Prakash helped me out in sending strong healing energies and the kid started to immediately respond better and also recovered just in days time. I very strongly believe in these healing techniques and the power it has and feel very blessed and thank god for having me brought in touch with a great person like Mr. Surya Prakash.

- Shri.Umesh, Seattle, USA


He is first of all a wonderful person by his virtues. Reiki healing has immense miraculous results, if believed. It helped me in getting a job in just few weeks post healing by Sri Surya Prakash, which was not happening even after months of hard work. Thanks to Sri Surya Prakash for his reiki healing and helping me to come out of quagmire.

- Shri.Harish, Bangalore, India


This is regarding my experience with Mr Surya Prakash for Reiki consultation.
I have been in touch with Surya Prakash for quite some time for consultation for various problems and have been benefited for the following problems: Selling of my property.
Purchasing of property.
Ailments suffered by me and my family members.
Domestic disputes of my kith and kin.
Problems pertaining to my business issues when I was doing business a decade ago.
All the problems were remedied after consultation with him.
Presently I am staying with my daughter in Chicago, USA.

- Shri.Ramesh, Chicago, USA


This is regarding my experience with Mr. Surya Prakash for Reiki healing.
I have been in touch with Mr. Surya Prakash for Reiki consultation which has unbelievably helped me treat my anxiety (due to mental stress) to easing my pregnancy process (labor, delivery and now with recovery). This healing technique has miraculously worked on my toddler too who was sick and suffering with stomach bug. After my toddler received the healing, she recovered just within hours which surprised all my Family members. I'm extremely blessed to have met Mr. Surya Prakash who has healed me during all the difficult times and very strongly recommend Mr. Surya Prakash's service for anyone seeking help.

- Smt.Sowmya, Chicago, USA


I am a home maker. I came across Sri Surya Prakash Reiki Grand Master and approached him for most of my health issues. Every time I get in touch with him miraculously most of my problems get solved in a very short period.
Once my husband and myself visited Vietnam for sightseeing, I could not go up a hill, immediately I got in touch with him and by his divine healing I could get on to the top of the hill and came down without any problem.
Some years back I had skin allergy and saw skin specialists. I got relief only after consulting Mr. Surya Prakash.
It is not just pain relief, it gives energy, body strength and boosts up confidence. He also helps to clean our chakras in our body.
I consult him very often for all issues. I have strong belief in his healing.
I thank him for helping and giving me emotional and moral support when I was in pain.
I wish him all success to serve many people.

- Smt.Shamalashree, Bangalore, India


Mr. Surya Prakash has been extremely helpful in dealing with emotions in my difficult personal relationship. I with kids was this close to getting separated from my spouse when he actually guided me with utmost sincerity to see a child in my spouse, empathize with the person and give them some time to get past what they were going through, themselves. He was never a marriage counsellor because they work on a different scale, it was always about understanding and being there, meanwhile be focused in work while waiting for things to magically turn around. From a phase of a rocky marriage with kids to bearing a considerate mindset while having a peaceful night's sleep was what I had asked for and obtained in a limited time. It was sheer magic and all that was there to it was just sending positive energy. We all need that at some point of time and Mr. Surya Prakash is bound to get oneself one. This is just tip of the iceberg, he is well more what he claims to be.

- Smt.Revathi, Bangalore, India


Surya Prakash is a natural-born healer. His hands are filled with a healing vibration. A session with him is a powerful experience of stress-relief and transformation.
I was going through a difficult time on many levels (Professional and Health) and he was terrific in using a variety of methods like Healing to get my energy moving calmly and smoothly. It is amazing how powerful this work is. He is a very caring healer who really helps you relax, remain calm and become focused on the good things in your life and solutions to your current issues.
I would recommend anyone who feels a bit run-down, tired or stressed out to take a session with Surya Prakash and I am sure you will feel the difference in your lower stress level right away.

- Shri.Arjun, Bangalore, India


I was suffering from severe burning and shooting pain in one of my lower leg, it was swollen and appeared red. I went to multiple doctors for cure and all their treatment didn't have any affect, might be they weren't able to at first diagnose the actual reason. I tried alternate medicine like Ayurveda, but that too did not help. It created a lot of stress within me, with it spreading and fear of losing the leg.
I was then recommended to Surya Prakash who has earned himself good name in the Healing technique. A couple of sessions with him really helped, at first to gain confidence that it can be cured and will not lose my leg, secondly the cure to the lower leg pain. Within few days of the session, the leg pain disappeared including the redness, which seemed miracle but all thanks to Healing power and Surya Prakash to have mastered the healing technique and helping others.
Now, whenever I come across any health or stress issues, I know, whom to consult!
Surya Prakash really tries to connect with you and this helps to believe, gain confidence. He is very knowledgeable of different spiritualistic healing methods.

- Smt.Parvathy, Bangalore, India


Reiki healing, always saw in magazines, newspapers, something I thought was needed for people who chose this as the last resort...personally something I thought would not work for everybody especially not for me. It took me all of 40 to realize this was meant for me, people like me. Ever since Mr. Surya Prakash who I respectfully refer to as anna has guided me, it is not just about healing it is about seeing the world in a totally different light - it's not I who is in the world, but the world that's in me...the feeling of oneness as also conveyed by the Gayatri mantra. Once this became my mantra, I had no enemies, I always saw positivity, I realized how much I missed being happy by harbouring animosity with so many souls. Yes, souls. We're all part of a journey, towards moksha and the happier we are with these co-passenger souls the happier we will be, the faster we will attain Mukti. I always read this but never understood and this is where a guru's direction is needed. Helping me to stay contented with whatever I got in life (more privileged than many others) to applying "karmanyevaadhikarasthe maa phaleshu kadaachana" in my daily routine, Anna has been of great help in cleaning my soul, washing it off of past karmas, while brushing off all the negativity. I thank him but he tells me thank the divine but he has been a messiah of one and I thank the divine for sending Anna to us all....whether one wants to attain peace with what they have in their career, grow to greater heights, in personal life or simply stay happy while the sun shines, I sincerely recommend Mr. Surya Prakash, a resolver.

- Smt.Savitha, Bangalore, India


I am grateful to the Reiki Grand Master Sri Surya Prakash for helping me with my ailment of Vertigo. The medications would give me temporary relief. My search for "prevention "instead of "cure" led me to try Reiki Healing.
I am very glad to share my experience of very effective prevention under the guidance and healing by Sri. Surya Prakash. I highly recommend his healing process to anyone suffering from any kind of ailment.

- Smt.Geetha, Atlanta, USA


I came to know about reiki healing only a decade ago. But, for each and every problem of mine in life, be it physical, psychological, emotional or whatsoever, I get solace and solution after sharing the same with him. I feel, I am very fortunate to be his wife, as I take the liberty to discuss reiki healing ways with him. I am also learning to heal myself and others in the process. The scope of reiki healing is very broad and deep-rooted. It extends to past lives and "karmas". It also guides us to our future with courage, confidence and inner power... Reiki healing has transformed my life and attitude towards life itself! There are so many instances in my life that I can write about where reiki healing done by my husband has helped me in so many ways... There are times when I get dejected and depressed watching tragic happenings on T. V. Feelings of helplessness when I see people suffering from so many problems... But, when I discuss it with my husband, I feel a lot better! He, always, has a solution to every problem! He seems to see through the Web of problems and find an amicable solution!
When I feel sick, I don't go to a doctor, Surya Prakash ji is my real doctor!!! My peace of mind comes from his healing powers. I feel, I am at the top of the world, when he smiles off all my difficulties! Well, what can I say? God bless you, Surya Prakash ji!!! May you smile and shine across thousand miles, like the Sun, as your name suggests. May your light of knowledge spread across the world and heal all those who are suffering in one way or the other! Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih.
Jyotirmay ho ye jeevan,
sabhee ke dil me ho khushi,
Surya ke Prakash ko phailne do,
Reiki healing ke dwara sabka jeevan sukhmay ho

- Smt.Rashmi, Bangalore, India


In my house I have one cuckoo watch. At every hour, cuckoo trigger comes out with a music and gets back after it finishes. For the past one week it stopped working. Out of my interest I sent reiki healing energy to set it right. One week later, it started doing its regular activity and I checked it for every occurrence and it is perfectly working. Thanks to all the divine energies and my masters for this miraculous healing taking place.

Another instance: A week back in my house there was some problem with the sewerage line not having free flow. During this pandemic, there was some problem with the concerned department to depute people for attending this job. Hence, I thought of contacting them a few days later. In the mean time I invoked the divine reiki healing energy with the intention to set things right and normalise the situation to set it at the earlier free flow position.
Without raising any complaint with the concerned department, the authorised personnel came in front of my house and started doing their job near the main chamber and cleared the issue without any hazzle. When I asked them who gave the complaint, they said it is routine check-up and they visit before the onset of the monsoon. Thanks to divine reiki healing energy and to all the masters who have blessed me with this miraculous healing.

Another Instance: We have one curry leaf plant which had grown beautifully and yielding good quality leaves. Suddenly it started deteriorating. I could sense some negative energy by way of drushti (evil eye) caught the plant. I started sending divine healing energy to the plant. Over period of a fort night it started responding and now it is fully geared up and regained its original glory. Thanks to all the divine energies and my masters for the favour received.

- Self, Bangalore, India